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TIC Rogaška Slatina

All information about Rogaška Slatina, tourist offers and events are available at Rogaška Slatina Tourist Information Center(TIC).

Rogaška Slatina Tourist Information Center(TIC)

On foot

All information about Rogaška Slatina, tourist offers and events are available at Rogaška Slatina Tourist Information Center(TIC).

Rogaška Slatina Tourist Information Center(TIC)
Zdraviliški trg 1, 3250 Rogaška Slatina
T: +386 3 581 44 14
F: +386 3 819 01 54

By bike

In total, there are 30 regular bikes and 12 electric bikes available, which can be picked up and delivered at six stations: Vrelec Business center, Pegaz platform and Spar in Rogaška Slatina, TIC Podčetrtek, Terme Olimia - Breza in Aqualuna in Podčetrtek.

Upon registration, you receive a card that unlocks bicycles at the station and provides 14 hours of cycling per week.

Bicycle station locations:

  • Celjska cesta 30 pri Podjetniškem centru Vrelec
  • Health resort square at Pegasus platform
  • Kidričeva ulica near the Police Station or Spar

By car

By taxi

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