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Rogaska Slatina in all its magnificence

I wonder how it kept this glow of the past and brought it together with modernity. I want to get to know it more deeply, in fact I'm interested in its story. I get along carefully selected thematic paths that take us through the mysterious paths of the winged Pegasus, which centuries ago discovered Rogaška Springs, maybe I choose the path through the surrounding hills, which are permeated with the work of diligent masters and producers of precious drops, I also have the choice of unspoiled paths of the famous Boč protected landscape park, where I combine pleasant recreation with useful learning.

Among Rogaška Slatina springs

The path will take us through Rogaška Slatina numerous natural and cultural attractions.

Heighten all your senses while walking past all famous water springs, pivnica, the Hall of mineral waters, spa parks and Cactus Pavilions.

Kostrivnica tourist waterway

Kostrivnica village reveals a lot of secrets and has a rich natural and cultural heritage.

Explore Kostrivnica waterway that connects and displays water heritage, water springs and life at water. A part of the path runs through the protected natural area of Boč Landscape Park.

Rogaška Wine Road

We suggest that you follow Rogaška Wine Road, along which you will discover many secrets and the heritage of our locality.

Walk among vineyards, friendly vineyard houses and cottages, where locals produce and store prestigious wines. Wineries owners will be happy to serve you with a glass of wine.

Excursion path

Visit the center of beautiful Rogaška Slatina. Magnificent buildings along beautiful nature on Janina hill.

Following the excursion path, you will climb past the building of Rogaška Slatina Municipality, over a part of the Janina hill and round down to the city center, where you will walk past Pegasus platform and then go up to the final starting point.


Observe the locality pulse under the tree crowns. Hotels, restaurants, galleries ... Rogaška Slatina is never boring.

Rogaška Slatina beautiful promenade is surrounded by tree crowns and numerous flowers. There is a lot of interesting things to see, the path starting and final points are on the European Platform.

Glass path

Take the path of the famous glass working craft and see what Rogaška Slatina is famous for.

Along the glass path you can see all stages of top-quality glass production from the preparation of basic raw materials, glassblowing to grinding and products finishing.

Ana’s path

Because of her cosmopolitan attitude towards health, Saint Ana is a spa symbol, on her day the municipal holiday is celebrated by her town.

On Ana’s path in Rogaška Slatina it is possible to see Saint Ana’s Chapel, renovated according to Jože Plečnik’s plans, as well as Ana’s Palace. The saint is a spa symbol.

Experience Rogaška Slatina

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